Chicxulub crater

Date Read time 1 min Tags misc

Reading about Chicxulub crater (aka. "dinosaur killer") on wikipedia (as one does), I was surprised that connecting the crater to K–Pg boundary happened much more recent than I thought. Crater was discovered in 1981; linking it to K–Pg boundary happened in 1991.

Other things that happened in 1991 …

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PyVista tutorial: Red Spiders Cometh


PyVista is a Python package for 3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface for the Visualization Toolkit (VTK). I learned how to use the package in the past few weeks, and decided to build something fun to explore Python-based 3D visualization on the web.

I had so much …

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COVID19 fatality rate analysis

Date Read time 1 min Tags misc

One thing that's somewhat under-appreciated in my mind about COVID19 is that it has disproportionately higher fatality rate for older adults. And many of our political leaders are old. It's not inconceivable that the virus could claim lives of high-profile politicians.

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Mental exercise: comparing countries to US states

Date Read time 2 min Tags misc

When my US friends and colleagues asked me about my home country, Taiwan, I often found it helpful to map Taiwan's high-level metrics into US states, which my colleague can better relate to.

Taiwan is closest to the following US states in metrics:

  • Area: Maryland (MD: 32,131 km^2 …
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