
Do employers looking for a data analyst, data scientist, or data engineer care if you obtain a new degree in a subject like data science that includes machine learning, etc.?


Having interviewed many data scientist candidates at Capital One, I can say that we care more about "whether or not you can do the things we want to hire you to do", and less about "did you get a new degree that go with those skill sets."

You can pick up those skill sets from a variety of places - new degree, MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), books, professional development programs, on-the-job training, etc. So long as you can demonstrate the skills during the interview process (and at Capital One, we do have processes in place for you to demonstrate those skills), you can get hired with or without a new degree in those fields.

With that said, pursuing a new degree in relevant fields can be good for your future career even if those degrees are not a prerequisite. You can deepen your domain knowledge, make professional connections, and be targeted in employers’ recruiting efforts in career fairs or other similar events. Whether or not that's "worth it" depends on the individuals!

(In my case, I acquired many of my data science related skills through MOOCs. They are an ideal platform for those who are self-starters, has other commitments (eg. full-time job), or just want to "dip toes in the water".)

(Original answered on quora: Do employers looking for a data analyst, data scientist, or data engineer care if you obtain a new degree in a subject like data science that includes machine learning, etc.?)


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