Commercialization of concentrated photovoltaics


How are multi junction solar cells are fabricated and encapsulated?


The question implies that such CPV systems are not industrialized (commercialized?). That is actually false - multiple companies have commercial product of CPV systems (e.g. Soitec, Suncore, etc). It's just that compare with flat panels (Si, CdTe, CIGS …

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Thoughts (Rants) on Moonshots


I attended a "moonshot" sprint event in early April sponsored by my employer. The topic was "making impact on climate change", which was something that I care deeply about and had some experience (deeper experience in solar cells and moderate knowledge in other renewable energy and sustainability technologies in general …

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Starting solar cell manufacturing in USA


How can I start up a profitable solar energy company that manufactors photovoltaic panels in the USA?


Many companies have tried that between the solar startup boom of 2002-2010, not only in US, but also in Europe. There is a long list of failed solar companies (a significant …

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Development of a perovskite solar cells industry


Are solar energy companies considering using perovskite solar cells?


My PhD research is on solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells, a precursor to the perovskite solar cells, and I have worked in solar energy research for 6+ years. Here is my understanding.

Perovskites solar cells has seen tremendous efficiency improvements …

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Tips for job search in solar industry


This document is written with the intention of sharing my experience in looking for solar jobs as a freshly graduated PhD with academic research experience in solar cells. I wrote this in June 2011; the job hunting landscape will likely be different when you read this document, and what …

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